Game Details
The Game Details screen is where you
enter the information that is typically at the top of
a scoresheet.
Event: The name of the
Site: The site of the
The date defaults to the date you create
the game. Tap the date to change it.
Tap the applicable results button to set
the result of the game. The results label will update.
The round defaults to 1. Tap the - +
buttons to edit.
For the player names, enter you opponent
name first and your name (from Setup) will
automatically be entered.
to pick names from your contacts. If you play in a lot
of local tournaments, you can enter the names of your
top opponents in a "Chess Players" group to make it
easy to enter names.
W/B Rating: Player
Note: Any additional
information you wish to record for the game. For
example, the board number, time control. This text
will be included in the scoresheet or email notation,
but not the PGN.
Display Notation:
Display the algebraic notation text. When using an
iPad in landscape, this will update with each move.
Next Game of Event:
This is a handy shortcut to create a new game after
the first game of a event. The name of the current
event is copied to a new event and the round is
incremented. Then all you have to do is enter your
opponent's name.
Email Game: This will
compose an email message with the game details and the
algebraic notation of the moves as text or HTML. The
HTML email will include the current position you have
selected for the game. There is also an attached file
of the PGN of the game.
If you see this warning in the email:
WARNING: This game contains one or more
moves or positions that are not legal and may not
import into a chess database. The suspect move is: 52.
Since Chess Score Pad can allow illegal
moves there can be an illegal move in the PGN file.
All of the chess engines I tested will reject a PGN
file with an illegal move without any warning or
comment. So Chess Score Pad will warn you so you can
take the appropriate action
Delete (Trash Button):
Tap this to display a confirmation that you wish to
delete this game.
Enter Moves: Tap this
to display the screen to enter the moves of the game.
This button is not displayed on the iPad since the
game is loaded with the game details.
Before you record a game, you should put
your device in Airplane Mode. This will not only save
your batteries but keep you from getting calls during
the game.